Phil Cannella News: Phil Cannella Warns Seniors to Crash Proof

Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella News: Phil Cannella is a man who doesn’t mince his words. Phil Cannella stands up to Wall Street’s big banks and other such unscrupulous individuals within the financial industry and gives them a piece of his mind if they are not acting in the best interest of their clients.

Phil Cannella warns seniors, “Seniors and retirees beware: Take action to Crash Proof your retirement or risk a financial crisis from which you may not recover.”

What is this financial crisis Phil Cannella is referring to? It is the crisis you will find yourself in if your nest egg is suddenly wiped out because of a crash in the stock market. There may be no warning, and once it hits, the crisis has set in. Phil Cannella talks about the havoc these stock market crashes have wrought. Many retirees’ entire savings have been wiped out in one fell swoop.

It is for this reason that Phil Cannella strives so hard to educate and educate and educate some more. He does this through is educational events held week-in and week-out in the tri-state area. Phil Cannella then puts his clients through a three-step appointment process to further educate them, identify their goals and helping them achieve them.