Tag Archives: Crash Proof Retirement System
Phil Cannella Offers Stability and Security to Retirees
Phil Cannella believes that once you hit that stage in your life where you are going to depend on the assets you have accrued during your working years, you cannot afford to be subject to market risk and volatility. Once you have retired, you are no longer in the position to go back into the workforce if you don’t have enough money to live off of for the next 20 – 30 years. It is a sad commentary on the state of the investment industry Read More +
Phil Cannella Talks About Wall Street Greed
Phil Cannella has been saying for years that the titans of Wall Street don’t give a hoot whether their investors make money or lose money. At the end of the day, it is their own pocket book that matters the most to them. He makes a point that it is a sad commentary on the state of the financial services industry that so many lack any sort of fiduciary duty. Perhaps more to the point is that hedge fund managers and large Wall Street banks Read More +
Phil Cannella, The Nation’s Foremost Retirement Expert
Phil Cannella has been engaged in the business of helping retirees secure their financial futures for almost 40 years now. Whether working to protect their assets by pioneering long term care insurance in the 1970s and 1980s, or as he does today, protect a retirees’ investments through his proprietary Crash Proof Retirement System, what Phil Cannella does day in and day out is unique among financial professionals Most financial advisors only focus on one thing: their own pocketbook. By keeping their clients’ assets invested in Read More +
Phil Cannella Explains Fiduciary Duty
Phil Cannella often speaks of a fiduciary responsibility. What many people ask is, “What exactly is that? According to the dictionary, the word means, “involving trust, especially with regard to the relationship between a trustee and a beneficiary.” The reason Phil Cannella speaks about this so often is that people in the financial industry should hold a fiduciary duty toward their clients, yet so few do. A fiduciary must act selflessly in the best interest of his clients. Yet so many financial professionals don’t do Read More +
Phil Cannella: Build Your Retirement On A Strong Foundation!
For almost 40 years, Phil Cannella has been teaching everyday Americans that when it comes to your retirement, you don’t want to take chances. You don’t want volatility, you want stability. You want guarantees and peace of mind. That’s why, as Phil Cannella and his co-host Joann Small pointed out on a recent edition of The Crash Proof Retirement Show, the choice is simple—avoid risk investments, and the industry that houses them, like the plague in your retirement years. “The Crash Proof Retirement System does not Read More +
Phil Cannella: Greece Situation Could Trigger Financial Domino Effect
Crash Proof Retirement Show: How Does Greece Affect Our Economy? On the most recent edition of The Crash Proof Retirement Show, Phil Cannella and Joann Small discussed the ongoing debt crisis in Greece, and what it could mean to world economies in the future. By now, everyone knows the people of Greece have voted ‘no’ in a referendum on whether or not to accept the bailout terms offered by the European Union and other members of the Eurozone. Previously, the leaders of other European nations Read More +
Phil Cannella Creates A Crash Proof Retirement For Shirley White
The Crash Proof Retirement System, created by Phil Cannella, has helped thousands of people to secure their retirement futures. Today, we focus the Crash Proof Retirement spotlight on Shirley White, a retired nurse from Blue Bell, PA. Shirley came to Crash Proof Retirement after listening to The Crash Proof Retirement Show, heard weekly on 1210 AM WPHT each Saturday and Sunday. “I liked what they said about double-digit returns—[the possibility for] 14, 16 percent returns,” said Shirley. Shirley described herself as a natural risk-taker when Read More +
Phil Cannella Turns A Zero Into A Hero
Phil Cannella educates investors around the tri-state area on how to avoid losses in or near retirement. At Crash Proof Retirement educational events, Phil Cannella addresses standing-room only crowds with this surprising question: “Who would have loved to earn 0% in 2008?” Sounds crazy, right? Why would anybody be happy with making 0%? But when the subprime mortgage industry started to struggle in 2007, the memory of the stock market crash earlier that decade was still fresh in Phil Cannella’s mind. It had led him Read More +
Phil Cannella Provides A Crash Proof Retirement For Local Consumers
Crash Proof Retirement Consumers: Joyce and Vince Natale Phil Cannella is the founder of The Crash Proof Retirement System, which has helped thousands of people to secure their retirement futures. Vince and Joyce Natale of Havertown, Pa. learned about the System first-hand when they became Crash proof in 2010 Background The Natales’ story is a common one in this generation of retirees. Frightened by the crash of 2008, Joyce and Vince were faced with the prospect of preparing for retirement—but were unwilling to accept the inherent risks Read More +
Phil Cannella Educates Crash Proof Retirement Show Listeners
Phil Cannella and co-host Joann Small educate listeners each week on The Crash Proof Retirement Show. This week’s lesson was on the risky bond environment, something creditors for the city of Chicago know all too well. Research from Retirement Media Inc. found that Moody’s, a leading provider of credit ratings, research, and risk analysis, has downgraded the credit rating of America’s 3rd-largest city to junk-bond levels. Moody’s rating system, which grades bonds from Aaa to C, makes a distinction between investment-grade and junk level bonds Read More +
Phil Cannella Pays Tribute to Women Everywhere For Mother’s Day
Phil Cannella and Joann Small are proud of making The Crash Proof Retirement Show the top consumer advocacy program in the region for people in retirement. So it’s no surprise that Phil and Joann spent Saturday’s show paying tribute to a very special portion of the listening audience. “It was a very wise man who once said, ‘God can’t be everywhere; therefore, let there be moms!’” said Phil Cannella. With everything our mothers do for us throughout our lifetimes, we all want to see them enjoy their Read More +
Phil Cannella’s Three Questions To Ask Any Retirement Expert
On last week’s Crash Proof Retirement Show, Phil Cannella and co-host Joann Small had some very important advice for their listeners. Phil and Joann accomplish their goals of educating consumers in or near retirement not only through The Crash Proof Retirement Show, but through educational events around the Philadelphia region and by hosting consumers each and every day at their headquarters in King of Prussia, Pa. Last week, Phil Cannella highlighted the three things that any consumer in or near retirement must consider when making Read More +
Phil Cannella Creates A Crash Proof Masterpiece
What makes Phil Cannella’s Crash Proof Retirement System special? Phil Cannella says the secret lies in the carefully crafted, finely-tuned arrangement of Crash Proof vehicles. Each individual’s specific Crash Proof Retirement plan is comprised of multiple financial vehicles that, when placed together in the Crash Proof Retirement melting pot, yields a well-protected, risk-proof nest egg. “The best way I can explain it is to compare it to a symphony orchestra,” explained Cannella. “Like musical instruments, all financial instruments have principles that they will follow to Read More +